Thursday, August 28, 2008

Planning Ahead

The company is still under FDIC control with no end insight. To prepare for the worst I'm creating a to do list to sharpen my job marketablity. Here's what I have so far:

  • Update my resume and pick the idea layout
  • Start a notebook to keep track of past and current accomplishments
  • Save e-mails and company newsletters that reference my accomplishments
  • Make sure I have copies of all my reviews
  • Prepare answers to basic interview questions with specific examples from above sources
  • Take advantage of any networking oppertunities
  • Strengthen bond with existing management team
  • Look into continued education classes in Project Managemet, Adobe Creative Suite, Dreamweaver
Other suggestions?


MJ said...

Create a portfolio of things you have done - whether a digital one, or a paper one (I have both). They give immeasurable help in showing off what you can do in interviews. Make sure you have multiple copies though, because sometimes the big firms make you leave it with them for review.

BTW, MIJ from PWO. :)